Hectic week! The new TPRI test has been taking an extraordinary amount of time to administer, so much so that the district extended the time to give the test for another week....I honestly wish they would have figured this out sooner.
Apologies: I was not able to cover some of the homework assignments in class, in particular the statement, question and adjective handouts... I did not test the children over these concepts but I did test them today on Spelling, Hard C and Soft C sounds, Long a and Long i sounds and comprehension ( Henry and Mudge 2nd story). The Math quiz only covered 2-1 thru 2-4 and that was also given today . My apologies for the sentences and I am going to count what the children did for homework as extra-credit.
M-class Math testing will be next week but it will not be so time consuming as the TPRI. It will throw my math homework schedule and my pacing a bit off and there is a possibility of a delayed Unit 2 test.
( I really like to give my end of unit test on Fridays)
M-Class Math test? It's new this year! It is a very thorough assessment of your child's mathematical abilities. The M-CM will cover: Computation, Concepts, Missing Number, Number Facts, and Quantity Discrimination. It is given whole class (TPRI is given individually) and should be less time consuming. (hope)
Science: The class has been studying gases (atmosphere) and weather. You may have noticed a weather chart, it's to keep track of the weather till about the end of the month. Since I kept the homework folders to grade over the weekend your child will not be able to chart the weather on Saturday and Sunday. That's OK! We'll keep track of it and post on the blog (if different go ahead and tell your child to mark it differently on Monday when they get back their homework folder ..
Why all this testing? The testing gives a good educational profile of your child. It allows me to tailor a curriculum to your child's strengths and weaknesses, since next year is a TAKS grade (3) this will assist me in getting your child ready for the state mandated test.
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