Saturday, March 23, 2013

New 9 Weeks Hints and Advice

Parents and Readers of this Blog:

     The next 9 weeks will be a growing experience for your child.  Our course work will be much more difficult and because of this I am asking your help to make your child's last semester a successful one!


Math:  This last part of  the school year we will be introducing multiplication facts.  I will be having your student memorize skip counting facts such as the 3's   0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30....
We will learn all of the skip counting numbers from 2-10.

      Measurement is going to integrate math and science lessons this last nine weeks.  The Great Hot Wheel Rally will have your child, weighing, measuring, estimating and figuring and recording their Hot Wheel cars and creating a report (at school) with the information they find.


     Reading:  Your child will need to read at least 90 words a minute, with fluency, and from that, pass comprehension questions from passage

      Parents please, please, please, have your child read every day from their reader. If possible finish the story but some stories are long so it may take a couple of days to finish.  Please make sure that your child reads at least 5 minutes outloud  and the rest silent reading.  Use the question guide that I give at the beginning of the week to help your child understand the highlights of the story.  You can also ask them what might happen next, or why does this character acts the way they do....


     Spelling:  Please make sure that your child practices at least 5 words a day from their list.  If you have access to Spelling City let them play on the spelling games to help them learn the correct way to spell.   Naturally the old fashion way of writing 5 times each can be done EVERYDAY.  I actually believe this is the best way to learn difficult words.
The spelling list will not be getting any easier, and the words that your student will be getting naturally will reflect this.

     Definitions:  The vocabulary words and definitions are found in the glossary of the reading book.  We go over the words extensively in class but going over them at home and reading them from the glossary or the flash cards are a great way to learn the words.

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