Friday, July 20, 2012

Spelling City Expires July 30

Parents and Readers of this Blog:

I hope you have had a wonderful Summer vacation. My daughter has gotten married this summer and as I write this is visiting Barcelona, Spain and will go on a cruise of the the Mediterranean for 21 days....My wife and I got to have a lot of quality time with our grand baby and that was a lot of fun...I got introduced to Disney Jr...and all the cartoons  that channel

June 30 is the deadline for spelling city, I do not know if  the 3rd grade teacher will use this program but I will require this program for the incoming 2nd graders...

Please free to continue accessing our blog for information, but I believe that the 3rd grade teachers will be starting their own grade level blog this year.

We have a new Principal, Ms Maribel Rodriguez. this year.

Mr. Fierros

1 comment:

  1. You may also be interested to look at . ZooWhiz is a new FREE online learning system for kids aged 5 – 15. It covers maths, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar. It’s free to use at home and school. Kids parents and teachers are really enthusiastic about it and our user base is growing rapidly.
