Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Is NOT the Same Ole Summer

Parents and Readers of this Blog:

Our second graders this year have made significant strides in their education.
The gains in learning from this year should not be allowed to be forgotten over the long summer vacation.
That is why I am writing this blog to let you know that Summer Is NOT the Same Ole Summer anymore.

The S.T.A.A.R. test proved very difficult for our 3rd grade students this past school year. Only those that followed my advice showed significantly on the test.
What does your child have to do to pass this test?
Summer Time Hour

This Summer our students must set aside a daily hour of review and practice. 
  • Practice our multiplication table (flash cards, or on-line computer games)
  • Look at the 3rd grade Math preview (more on this later)
  • Check out the Summer reading list 
  • Spelling City will be available to the end of July
I believe that our students understand the importance of  putting some Summer time to good use, now with your support I feel confident that our boys and girls will do very well next year!

Award Ceremony Tomorrow May 30

Dear Parents,

Sorry for the late notice:

2nd Grade Awards Ceremony
Date: May 30, 2012
Time:  1:30 P.M.
Where: Cafetorium
Bring Camera

Free Dress Day: 
Please Wear Sunday Dress Clothes

Monday, May 28, 2012

This Week

Dear Parents and Readers of this Blog

This week our students will finish any work that needs making up such as missing grades and grades that are below 69.  We also have to finish our reading, spelling, vocabulary and high frequency words. (Now and Ben)  Wednesday we will be taking our final math test.
I also plan to help some of the students finish their animal projects.  

Please remember to bring the cut up fruit and prizes early Friday morning for their Field Day Fun.

On another note our students have voted on having pizza on the 2nd to the last day of school (June 5).
Please have your student bring $2.00 each so we can purchase the pizzas.
Parents, if anyone wants to volunteer to get the pizza or help with our end of the year party, please let your student know.  I will send out a reminder note this week.

Thank You Parents for all you do...

Mr Fierros

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

mini Festival Donations


Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for all your support throughout this school year. This time of the year is always busy and exciting for everyone. As you know we are planning a mini Festival for all our qualifying PPCD/Pre-K -2ndgrade students. We appreciate all the donations that we have so far, however the donations to date are far below what we had anticipated. We are asking that all non perishable food and prize donations be turned in by Friday May 25 if possible.  Please keep in mind that we must have enough time to prepare and organize such a fun and exciting event. This event is for qualifying students only, due to limited time and resources we ask that only students and parents who are volunteering attend.
The following donations are greatly appreciated:
·     Prizes such as party bag items (McDonald’s toys, stickers, pencils, bubbles, necklaces, bracelets, toy cars, chalk, crayons, candy, gently used toys, stuffed animals)
Please deliver prize donations to your child’s teacher as soon as possible.
·      Pre- K/ PPCD-Drinks (bottled water, Capri Suns, juice boxes)
·     Kinder -Popcorn and pickles
·     1st Grade-Individual bags of chips
·     2nd Grade- Pre sliced/ fresh fruit 
·     Monetary donations are appreciated as well
Again parents, this can only be possible with your support and generosity.  If you can or know anyone or any business that can donate bulk items, carnival games or props, please inform your child’s teacher. Thank you so much for your cooperation and commitment!
2nd Grade Teachers
Mr. Fierros, Ms Salinas, Mrs. Perez  and Mrs. Garcia

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Creating Your Animal Report

Object: Create a report about an animal.

Format: The report can be created in one of several ways:
  1. Diorama
  2. Poster
  3. Folder report
  4. Reenactment (speech)
  5. Model
  6. Computer report (power point presentation
  1. Diorama:
  • Using a shoe box create a scene that shows your animal 
  • Must be labeled.
  • Name, habitat, enemies, food, life cycle etc. , can be shown ( see report handout)
     2.    Poster
  • Using a poster create a scene that shows Ben Franklin's invention
  • Must be labeled.
3.         Folder Report
  • Create a report about Name, habitat, enemies, food, life cycle etc. , can be shown ( see report handout) 
    1.   Model
  • Create a model about your animal
  • Must be labeled
  • Name, habitat, enemies, food, life cycle etc. , can be shown ( see report handout)
  1. Computer Report
  • Create a power point presentation  about your animal
  • Similar to folder report.(see above)
  1. Reenactment: Speech:
  • Pretend you are that animal and talk about all the key points of your creature.

The Great Favorite Animal Report

The Great Favorite Animal Report

In Science our study of living  life cycles has had our students examining meal worms and brassica seeds
We have compared and contrasted both of the specimens and found their similarities and differences.
Our students are now ready for the next step: The Great Favorite Animal Report 

Your student has selected an animal:  In class and at home they will research, ten  main questions about their creature and select how they want to present their findings to the class.

Title:______________________________(animal Name)

Scientific Name____________________________
(Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family , genus  and species.)

Appearance: (What does your animal look like??)

Locomotion:  (How does it move)

Diet:  (What does it eat)

Habitat:  (Where does it live) What type of biome does this animal prefer (does it live in the desert, swamp, tundra, deep sea, coral reef, tropical rain forest, pond, or other habitat)

Adaptations:  ( What things about your animal help it live in it’s environment?)

Life cycle: lay eggs or live birth?

Behavior (does it migrate, solitary hunter, live with a herd?)

Enemies: What animals eat or otherwise kill your animal?

Monday, May 14, 2012

TPRI Starts This Week

Parents and Readers of this Blog:
     Parents the TPRI is finally here!!   Please continue having your child read aloud to you.

Remember, the TPRI has 4 parts:  Fluency, graphophenomic (spelling), word identification, and comprehension.  Your child must do well on all 4 parts.

Thank You parents for all you do!!!


May 14, 2012

Week of May 14, 2012 Extended Practice Assignments
parent notes
Unit 15-4
Unit 15-5
Test over X6 tables and unit 15
Test over tables
Quiz  over X7
Learning Multiplication and previewing 3rd grade Math problems...
Two of Everything
Two of Everything
Two of Everything
Two of Everything
Two of Everything
Parents: TPRI test
sign here sign here sign heresign here   Please sign here.
90 words per minute is our reading goal
5X each
Unscramble Words
start taking test on spelling city
High frequency test and fluency
Test over spelling, vocabulary and HF Is your child doing all of their homework?
write sentences using  Spelling
Write sententce using Vocabulary

 Do you know

your child can take the spelling and vocabulary test on-line?  Ask them about it.
Spelling Words
1. aim
2. gain
3. snail
4. sly
5. bay
6. chain
7. braid
8. shy

9. ray
10. bright
11. always
12. fright
13. tray
14. try
15. contain
16. thigh
 High Frequency Words  ( must spell this week)
1. who
2. your
3. wash
4. woman
5. seven
6. eight
7. once
8. paper
9. upon
10. near
 Vocabulary :  High Frequency Words  ( must spell this week)s
1. search
2. odd
3. leaned
4. grateful
5. tossed
6. startled
7. village
8. contained

  Fluency reading test is now done every week. Your child scored

Our goal is 90 wpm
or  180 in 2 minutes