Friday, May 13, 2011

Class Notes

May 20 Benjamin Franklin Project Due

Friday: May 20 Benjamin Franklin Project Due:   I will be here after school on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00  if you and your child want to print out anything from the computer.  I do have a few poster boards available...

The Best in Attitude and Conduct

     The last two weeks are some of the most hectic, with testing, grades, last minute paperwork and such,
your students also feels the anxiety and excitement about the rapid approach of summer vacation.
Please remind your students to be and continue to be at their best behavior....whether the teacher (Mr Fierros is there or particularly not there) (hint lunch time)....I have always expected the best in attitude and conduct from our kids and I'm sure we will end up the year on a very positive note....

Awards Ceremony?

We are planning an awards ceremony (still in the planning stages) more info next week...

End of the year party?

End of the year party?  I really would like to order something instead of cook...( does get tiring making hotdogs and I really don't want to clean up Nachos....
I was thinking of perhaps ordering pizza or if any of our readers work at a restaurant and can get a great deal on some fun food for kids, please let me know...
Years past we had a parent who worked at Whataburger and we all got kid meals at a discount ...

No More TAKS.....It's now STAAR

Now for some really serious news:
TAKS the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills is now STAAR Texas State of Assessment of Academic Readiness.
This test (as described by some) starts at the hardest questions and goes from there....
This website: is the best link I have found explaining this test that your child will be taking next year.
This test is no lightweight, it is hard, and expects your student to know the basics and to be able to interpret what is being asked by the problems or questions...

My recommendations is to have your child continue reading, practicing spelling and definitions, and work on basics in math ( I am looking for a good math website).

This summer your child should:
1. get a library card and read at least two or more books a week
2. practice vocabulary and spelling words  every week and test
3. practice math facts: add, subtract, multiply and division
4. practicing writing: any topics but I am looking for a summer list for that also...

Summer should be fun but unlike in the past your child will be facing perhaps the toughest challenge ever asked of Texas students ever... I truly believe that if you do steps 1-4 you will go a long way in preparing your child for STAAR.

I  have been asked will I continue with the blog over the summer?  YES!!

I am going to post reading list for 2nd graders going to 3rd and for 1st going to 2nd....
Also I am going to continue posting spelling list on Spelling City.

Mr Fierros

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