Semmes Beginner Chess Lessons
During the pandemic of 2020, I have decided to put my Chess lessons on line.
I am not seeking profit from this, but I started the Semmes Library
Chess and More with the express purpose of playing, teaching and having a
social gathering.
wish to continue this tradition to maintain ties for the many patrons
that have been coming to our Thursday meetings and continue our part of
being "More".
So this
page will be dedicated to the beginner, or really any patron young or
young at heart. Enjoy the lessons, I am really happy to be doing this
for you.
About This Site's Sources
I based my lessons on my 2nd grade blog.
2nd grade blog was used as my homework sheet for my students, a lesson
planner, and allowed access to textbooks online with daily pertinent
I used this with great success and I offered it to several teachers during the 2020 Pandemic.
I sought sources such as You Tube, for videos, and the internet searches from Yahoo and Google.
For practice of terms and concepts I am utilizing Quizlet.
is a multi-functional app, that teaches, reviews and test students.
Games are also utilized to vary learning in a fun format.
Now this page is for educational purposes only. I am not seeking to make any profit for my effort.
is intended as lessons for my patrons at the Semmes Library in San
Antonio, or for anyone really, if you happen to stumble upon my page.
Dear Educator,
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we recognize that many
schools are moving to a virtual learning option. Your health and safety,
along with the safety of your educators and families, are the most
important things during these difficult times. Learning can continue
outside of the classroom walls, and we want to make sure students still
have the opportunity to fill their hearts with the joy of learning.
VocabularySpellingCity is offering free access to our site for the rest of the school year to every school affected.
To take advantage of this offer, simply enter the code: VSCFree90
upon registration on our website, and you’ll immediately have access to
this powerful tool, no matter where you or your students are!
Again, use code VSCFree90 upon registration to prepare your students and teachers for any scenario with VocabularySpellingCity.
To learn more about VocabularySpellingCity or to sign up today, visit our website at
Please forward to your families or any educator who needs
resources to help learning continue while out of the physical classroom.
Laura Kupres - Account Representative
direct: 954-368-5249 | toll free: 800-357-2157 | fax: 954-256-8263
LearningCity for Schools
VocabularySpellingCity - Vocabulary retention makes better readers
WritingCity - Grow proficient K-5 writers
If you are reading this you have accessed my blog site.
I used this blog as my online homework assignment sheet.
It has links to math, reading and spelling texts and sites.
Spelling City. I used this program with excellent results.
You can use spelling city as a free app, but I would consider paying for the upgrade and use this for your youngsters.
I have several years of blog online HW assignment sheets in chronological order, from August to May.
Feel free to move down to the approximate date of your child's school experience and explore that date, and the week before or after too.
I know that this is a trying time but, do carry on, because this too shall pass.
If you need assistance email me at
Felix F.