Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I want to thank Mr. Evans, our theatre arts teacher,for letting our 2nd grade class preview the production of Scrooge, Monday afternoon. It was an absolute wonderful production...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Break EOY Party

Parents and Followers of our Blog:

This Thursday is our celebration of the beginning of our Winter Break.
Our celebration will start at 1:30pm and end at 2:30
Our class president who promised Pizza if she was elected (Is that legal? will be providing that part of our treats. I am purchasing two gallons of Hawaiian Punch sugar free.
Parents, if you would like to donate treats for 22 great kids that would be very welcomed.

Treats can be anything from candy to chips and dips....If you want to donate your time to help that would greatly appreciated also.

Parents, let me take the time to thank you for your support this 2010, this year has been very successful thanks to you.

EOY end of year...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

spelling list for Dec 13

1. cannot
2. pancake
3. maybe
4. baseball
5. playground
6. someone
7. myself
8. classroom
9. sunshine
10. outside
11. upon
12. nothing

Parents and followers of our Blog:

I found a better program than Study Stack for our spelling words. (stack is really for highschool and college)

Spelling City is easy and a lot of fun. It has a lot of functions

Password: Missiona

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Urban 15 Light Show Review

Absolutely Awesome...ask your child about the show....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Laser Show by Urban 15 Field Trip


This came to me at the very last minute. None the less Mrs. Garza selected our class to represent Mission Academy at the spectacular Christmas Laser Show created by Urban 15. Ms. Garza selected our class because of the great behavior usually displayed by your students...
...So please sign and return the permission slip by tomorrow (December 9)
We will leave at 9:45 and return by 11:45

Mr. F

The Heat, Snow Miser Can Drive

Our class is having a mini food drive.
We have placed pictures of Snow Miser and Heat Miser on opposite sides of the hall. If you want to place a minion on the wall, bring a can and our class will give you one to decorate and place on the side of your choice.

Friday, December 3, 2010

PTA Events

PTA After School Concessions Sales
Every Tuesday and Thursday (full weeks only, 5 days)

Dates of Sales:
Dec 7, 9, 14, 16
Jan 4, 6, 11, 13, 25, 27
Feb 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 17, 22, 25

Family Movie Night (Free admission, all children must be accompanied by an adult to attend. Every Friday, 7:00 p.m. in the cafetorium.
Look for posters and notices sent home on Monday before for the feature of the week.

PTA Regular Meeting Times
Meetings are the first Thursday of each month.

President: Marcos Castillo; or
1st VP Paul Gonzales;
2nd VP (fund raising-pending);
Treasurer: Sally Contreras;
Secretary: Sarah Gonzales;
Historian: Naomi Alvarado;
Parliamentarian: Bobby Rios

Lesson 14 Spelling words

Long O (o, oa, ow)

Note: all words with -ow are at the end of the word...except for own.
The -oa and the -o words must be memorized.

own loan
most goat
soap flow
float loaf
both throw
know coach

Review words
so grow

Challenge words